After the haulout in Neiafu we definitely needed a bit of a break. We headed out the next morning for a little rest and relaxation in the Vava'u. This is the northern Tonga group and it is quite beautiful. The group consists of numerous islands, one large, several medium, and many small to tiny. There are lots of winding waterways to visit and many great anchorages. In fact, there are so many great anchorages, and their names are so foreign to visitors, that the local chartering company has given them all numbers and issues a chart showing those numbers. So all the cruisers talk about anchorage 7, 18, etc. It's a fairly unique system. Anyway, we headed out for a couple nights in these anchorages and had a very relaxing time. The headline event of this trip was that Jeff and Fred went on their first scuba trip on their own. It was a big success! I snorkeled above them just in case, but this proved to be a purely precautionary measure as they completed their dive successfully with no help from me.
On Sunday the 26th we headed back to Neiafu and spent the following day reprovisioning for our trip down to southern Tonga.
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